Thursday, June 16, 2011

Reconstruction Begins

Why am I reconstructing my life. Well because after six years teaching art to middle schoolers I needed a change. I felt my small children weren't getting the best of me and that made me extremely sad. So I resigned my position and and leapt into the unknown feet first.

It has been 3 weeks now as a stay at home mom and full time artist. I have built an amazing kitchen for my girls, rearranged most of the house, turned one of my 5 raised garden beds in to a turtle pallet paradise and found I have come down with a whopping case of insomnia. I imagine the insomnia is due to the fact that I have so many things I want to do now that I have the time. I decided I needed a place to write down all my ideas, collect all the photos and research I do at night so I don't forget and thought I should share them with you. 

Join me on my journey as the Girl Reconstructed.